Aeronautic market is one of the most profitable markets in Russia. By means of ROSTEC, Russian state makes a lot of investments to renovate famous soviet aircrafts and to develop new ones according to international standards.
We are specifically focused on:
Commercial and special fleet Aircrafts
Airlanes and helicopters
Aircraft producers and integrators Tiers 1
Space industry
Basic information on Aeronautical market
Common confusions
Beginning sales in Russia is an important step for development, but companies are often limited with a small amount of sales because:
They underestimate Russian certification: it needs a lot of time, experience and services of Russian companies which take the certification under its legal name. Many distributors are ready to do it but they impose foreign companies their services if they want to use this certificate.
It is also well-known that companies get certification from a distributor but they could not use it anymore because the distributor used non official laboratory to make test for the certification. -
They underestimate importation and logistic issues: many importers use illegal practices which could have consequences, as for example blacklisting the company on the Russian custom database.
They use distributors' channels which wait order from the Internet but do not promote the company through their own customer network.
So with a solid distribution network and a right partners, worldwide companies have good opportunity to get ROI on their investment. However, in order to exponentially increase sales in Russia and CIS, it is mandatory to create the local office.
This is often the reason why companies struggle to increase sales in Russia. They wrongly believe:
That it is possible to manage Russian market from Europe and come 3 or 4 times a year.
Russian clients (Top management, engineers, suppliers) speak English.
The most important is to have orders and manage logistic; having stock in Russia is optional.
Technical support could be managed by distributors.
What we can propose
To help you to obtain certification EAC (or other one requested) with a power of attorney giving you the right to use it as you desire. All the procedures are in full compliance with the Russian law, so we ensure you zero trouble during importation procedure, for the duration of the certificate
We have our own importation structure, OOO Francimport, which is able to propose you the best price and fast delivery. Our company is working with the best specialists in Russia, in order to guarantee the respect of all Russian laws and practices during the importation. That is why our company is granted to be on a green corridor for customs services, meaning that customs put our company on a special trust corridor avoiding systematic verifications for custom clearances.
Our specialists are really meticulous before picking up goods, checking all necessary documents, making a constant monitoring of new customs rules; in order to maintain our company in this corridor and avoid any problems at customs.
Instead of using your brand name to increase our reputation while selling your products, we promote your brand to our own clients. We are efficient in the promotion because a big number of companies which already buy our equipment are always interested in new offers provided by our team. Taking into account the fact that they are absolutely satisfied with our work, they always support the idea to test a new product. Moreover, our experts have the reputation to be well technically trained to the product we represent and to provide a 24H/7 support to our Russian clients.
A team based in Moscow. According to us it is mandatory because:
​We strongly believe that a client needs to be visited regularly. From our experience from organizing meetings with top management of our customers during a week in Russia, we regularly notice that Russian top managers (especially from state groupe) postpone the meeting at last minute. Having a team full time in Russia allows the company to be more reactive and more effective in the business development
It allows the company to provide a closer support (for example a 24/7) and more efficient prospection (no need to make visa, buy ticket, book a hotel...)
Having a team which speaks Russian (and even a native Russian speaker) allows clients to be more confident and speak without barriers. It is often strategic to understand the subtleties of the language and understand the hidden messages of the interlocutor.
Having a team with technical background allows us to be professional and effective when exchanging with customer’s technical dept. and to provide more accurate translation, either for important discussion or technical documentation (RFP for example).
It avoids any misunderstanding from Russian culture and adapts to Russian practice.